Liu, Y., Li, Q., and Solow, A.R. (2024). Impacts of reef degradation on commercial fisheries. Marine Resource Economics, forthcoming. [pdf]
Howard, P.H., Sarinsky, M., Bauer, M., Cecot, C., Cropper, M., Drupp, M., Freeman, M., Gillingham, K.T., Gollier, C., Groom, B., Li, Q., Livermore, M., Newell, R., Pizer, W.A., Prest, B., Rudebusch, G., Sterner, T., and Wagner, G. (2023). US benefit-cost analysis requires revision. Science, 380(6647), pp.803-803. [pdf]
Li, Q., Zhou, Y., Pizer, W.A., Wu, L. (2023). The unbalanced trade-off between pollution exposure and energy consumption induced by averting behaviors. iScience, 26(1). [pdf]
Li, Q., and Pizer, W.A. (2021). Use of the consumption discount rate for public policy over the distant future. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 107, p.102428. [pdf]
Li, Q., and Smith, M.D. (2021). Fishery collapse revisited. Marine Resource Economics, 36(1), pp.1-22. [pdf]
Li, Q., Bronnmann, J., Karasik, R., Quaas, M.F. and Smith, M.D. (2020). An Age-Structured Backward-Bending Supply of Fish: Implications for Conservation of Bluefin Tuna. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(1), pp.165-192. [pdf]
He, P., Liang, J., Qiu, Y., Li, Q. and Xing, B. (2020). Increase in domestic electricity consumption from particulate air pollution. Nature Energy, 5(12), pp.985-995. [pdf]
Working Papers
Ji, X. J., Li, Q., Lee, S. J., Luke, M., and Mavrothalassitis, F. "Cleaner Bills, Cleaner Air: The Environmental Co-benefits of Stringent Renewable Portfolio Standards Policy Design". Under Review
Chen, H., Li, Q., and Wang, X. "Electricity Consumption and Adaptation to Climate Change: Heterogeneity Across Regions and Economic Sectors in China". Revision Requested
Liu, Y., Li, Q., and Wang, Z. "Critical Thresholds for Fish Resources in a Changing Climate". Under Review
Robbins, T., Li, Q., Bird, S., and Powers, S. "Defining Disadvantaged Communities for Environmental Justice: Variation and Impact". Under Review
Li, Q. "Optimal Timing of Electric Vehicle Subsidies".
Li, Q., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Britten, G. L., and García Molinos, J. "Adaptive Fisheries Management under Climate Change: A Closer Look at the Challenges and Opportunities".
Li., Q., Huang, Z., and Liu, Y. "Spillover Benefits from Electric Vehicle Charging to Local Businesses".
Clarkson Team Science Planning Grant (PI, $60K, 2022-23). “The Transition to a Sustainable and Reliable Electric Grid-Transportation System”.
Funded research by NYISO (co-PI, $96K, 2025). "Value of Lost Load Estimation for New York Customers".
Funded research by Avangrid (co-PI, $80K, 2025). "Economic Benefit for Grid Expansion".